Adopt - a - Base Project
Appreciation | Food | Supply | Support | Gallery

It's a known fact that the food in the army is nowhere near the levels of any decent home-cooked meals.
Our dedicated team of volunteers is well aware of this and have already supplied thousands of soldiers bbq's, home cooked meals, baked goods and more - all througout the country.
Our mission doesn't stop there!
Especially with these cold winter days, a hot, wholesome and nutritious home-cooked meal goes way beyond filling the stomachs of soldiers. It also warms their hearts and provides them with the strength and inspiration to know how much their efforts are appreciated.
Here is how you can share in this part of our project.
Join our soldiers for the meal as part of your Private tour package with Aussie Guide.
Volunteer to help cook, supply and serve the meals.
Sponsor just a meal.
Combine your efforts with friends, neighbours, colleagues or other Private groups so you can also show your appreciation, even if you can't be here in person.
For more information and to join the Adopt-a-Base project,